Centre for Islamic Economics (CIE) moved forward to sign a monumental MoU with Institute of Bankers Pakistan (IBP). This vital pact aimed at the active collaboration of both the prestigious organizations in research domains and academic programs specifically Islamic Banking & Finance. This action-oriented agreement was inked by Executive Director-CIE Dr Muhammad Imran Ashraf Usmani and Advisor-CIE Mufti Yahya Asim and Director-IBP Research & Development Mr. Faisal Hussain and Director-IBP Academics and Examinations Mr Arsalan.
This critical MoU would most certainly result in the joint promotion of Islamic education synthesized with an advanced skill set in diverse disciplines plus domains of functionality. The key mutually agreed upon points comprised the establishment of CIE offering collaborative certificate/diploma/post-graduate diploma in Islamic Banking & Finance. These renowned institutions would organize joint conferences and seminars on Islamic banking, establish higher-level programs, explore joint online/distance learning programs and publish the Islamic Leadership magazine.
Dr. Imran Ashraf Usmani, Director CIE welcomed this strategic alliance between both the well-established institutions which offered limitless opportunities for research, training and development in the field of Islamic Banking and Finance nationally and internationally. This was indeed a groundbreaking pact that would create a diverse impact in the progressive field worldwide.
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